Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Who Is Your Neighbour?

Most of us have heard of the Good Samaritan. Either the actual story or at least references to someone as a good Samaritan. What is that story about anyway?

In the reading this week from Luke 10:25-37 we hear Jesus tell a story. The story is in response to a question from a lawyer. And, chances are, when a lawyer asks a question he is trying to get you to say something that will incriminate you. But Jesus was too sharp to be trapped. He answered the question with a question of his own - referring the lawyer back to the Law.

The question? "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" My first response was "how do you 'inherit' eternal life anyway?" Jesus' response was "What does the Law say? How do you interpret the Law?"

The Lawyer, obviously familiar with the Law, gave an accurate answer. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and, Love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus commended him for his answer and told him to do what the Law said.

But the Lawyer wasn't finished. He didn't really want to do what was stated so he cross-examined Jesus. "Who is my neighbor?"

Jesus replied by saying that it was really anyone who was before him at any given moment. Even if it was someone from a group (race or otherwise) that he despised and culturally should have nothing to do with that person. Someone helpless, voiceless and generally despised. "Love that person."

Ouch! Who is that for me? Who is that for you? Will I do what God asks of me or will I get a lawyer?

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