Monday, March 10, 2014

A Church Kid

"I don't have an exciting testimony," she said. "I grew up going to church and have always known Jesus." Of course she was suggesting her life and testimony were boring and not worth talking about.

On the other hand, there was the other fellow who had been through all kinds of "stuff" from which he needed to be rescued. One day he found Jesus and his life was radically changed - even if he still had issues he had to work through.

Which of these two demonstrate the grace of God?


Jesus was one of those "church kids." In our reading today (Luke 2:22-52), Jesus was brought to the temple as a youngster as was the custom and law. Joseph and Mary were astonished when old Simeon took Jesus in his arms and blessed him and prophesied over him. Not only that but there was that other prophet - what's her name? We have heard of Simeon - but Anna? Yes, Anna also prophesied concerning Jesus. Then at the age of 12 Jesus was again brought to the temple and he engaged the teachers in deep theological discussions.

Talk about a church kid. And who wouldn't want to be like Jesus? Somehow Jesus grew up connected to "the church" but kept his connection with the world around him. He was truly an example of being in the world, but not "of" the world.

May my life be like Jesus. May I walk close to Him, in fellowship with His Church, while being genuinely engaged in the world which God has called me to reach.

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