Tuesday, March 11, 2014

"Listen, I hear something"

Something was going on! Something extraordinary!

John the Baptist was preaching - some tough stuff. In Luke 3 we find John preaching in the wilderness. And I thought, "Seriously? He's preaching in the wilderness? No social media to let everyone know what kind of stunt he was pulling off. No YouTube to play clips of his sermons. Why would anyone head out to the wilderness to hear a fellow preach? And what he had to say was pretty convicting!"

But they came. And they heard how they must change their behavior and stop cheating others and to help those who were in need around them. Not only did people come to listen, they asked for more. How would we respond today if people asked during a sermon or at the end of a sermon how they might apply Biblical teaching to their own lives?

I believe the answer lies in the fact that John was not simply preaching for an audience. Not just for personal notoriety. The Spirit of God was on John and he began to preach what the Spirit told him. God was doing something! And the people responded to God. When God is at work, people respond.

Today I ask, "Speak Lord."

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