Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Trick or Treat

I love the way Jesus dealt with people!

When he came across those who were desperate and recognized their helplessness, Jesus reached into their lives and healed them. When people were humble and teachable Jesus impacted their lives in powerful ways. However, when they were trying to trick him or being super religious, Jesus was either very direct with them or he turned their entrapping questions back on them.

In Luke 7:18-50 we find several instances where Jesus miraculously rescued people in desperate need. We see here Jesus' compassion and care for the downtrodden.

But then there are those who tried to trick Jesus so they could get rid of him or discredit him. Jesus didn't fall into their trap. He turned and skilfully, with questions of his own, revealed their schemes and hypocrisy.

What questions do we ask of Jesus? Do we come with humility and genuinely ask for his divine intervention? Or do we come with our demanding religious superiority?

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