Thursday, March 20, 2014

"Hurry Jesus"

"Please hurry Jesus! My only daughter is dying!"

Not caring what the other synagogue leaders would have to say, Jarius approached this man who was 'turning people away' from the way that had been taught for centuries. When you are the dad of one child and she is your 12 year old daughter, you would do anything to save her.

I can only imagine dad wringing his hands, crying, anxious and angry at the crowds that are slowing Jesus. There is not much time left! And then Jesus stopped because a woman with a minor problem (in his mind) has touched him?!? And wouldn't you know it? These people delayed Jesus so much that the daughter died before he could get there.

Immense grief! Disbelief! Anger! If only...

But then Jesus showed up. Who will believe this? "She was dead, honest! But then Jesus showed up and wow! Jesus made her come back to life!"

I know, if that were to happen today the story would be all about the daughter and we would have a book written about her. All the background, psychological impact, so on... We don't even know this girl's name. It was all about Jesus! But I digress.

Jesus is never too late!!

I have ideas of how I would like Jesus to intervene in the dilemmas we face. And sometimes Jesus doesn't do what I ask/tell him to do. Then, later, looking back I see how Jesus stepped in at just the right time to make a much bigger difference than had he done what I wanted.

And then there was the woman who tried to remain anonymous...

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