Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

We are a strange people. How can one number - one day - be so foreboding? All you have to do is say "Friday the thirteenth" and people get apprehensive, if they don't totally freak out. Why?

Why the 13th? Why Friday?

I know the number 13 is considered an unlucky number because Judas (who betrayed Jesus) was considered the 13th member of the group - 12 disciples and Jesus.

Even Christians. Just yesterday I was talking to someone who has been a significant leader/teacher in the church for years. When he talked about today being Friday the 13th, even he responded in a somewhat startled manner. Maybe he was kidding. Yet he reacted, none-the-less.

Let me throw some 13's at you.

1 Corinthians has a chapter 13 and a verse 13 in that chapter. Guess what that verse says? "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." Doesn't sound too ominous or unlucky to me!

You become a teenager at what age? Oh right - 13. Depends on who ask as to whether that may be something to be afraid of or not.

So I say, "never fear, 13 is hear."

Now to read 1 Corinthians 15 which is all about being raised from the dead. New bodies that will never get old or deteriorate again? Cool!

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