Thursday, March 29, 2012

Eternal Youth

"Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death.”
- John 8:31

Never see death? Wow!! Jesus must have caught the attention of the people with that bold statement.

If I could invent some concoction that would keep people young and keep them from dying, I would be rich! People would flock to me and would pay big money for this product.

The fascinating thing is - we already have the potential to "never die" and be "forever young." And it's free. Well, free for us anyway. It came with a huge price.

Next week we celebrate Easter week. And we celebrate the very fact that Jesus Christ came to this earth, gave his life for us, died on the cross to pay for our sins and rose from the grave to conquer death. And as a result, death on earth is not the end for us. When we put our trust and faith in Jesus Christ we have the promise from God himself that we will live forever and will never die. And in that forever state we will never get old, our bodies will never deteriorate.

And we will never see death. Totally cool!!

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