Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Great Job!!

Congratulations to our Children's Ministry for an awesome performance this past Sunday. The musical drama written by Karen Friesen explored the meaning of Christmas using a Christmas Time Machine, dropping in on various fictitious characters. Ramona Krause directed presentation which was presented with energy and focus by kids from our Adventure X and Edge ministries.

I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for the awesome preparation, time and energy put into this presentation. HMCC is proud of all of you!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Who knows best?

We have been taught to be self-reliant. We practiacally think we know it all. If we cannot reason something to conclusion it must be faulty. Our mind and ability to reason has essentially become our God – the standard against which we measure and determine truth. The problem is that our minds are limited. Our knowledge, is still limited. There is more to this world than what our rational, scientific minds can perceive and understand.

God is the one who created and sustains this world. He is the one who designed and created us. God still has the power to step in and affect this world beyond the natural laws of cause and effect which he has installed in this world.’

Does it not make sense therefore, to check with him on occasion?

In Joshua chpaters 6-10 we find the Israelites as they are moving in to conquer the land of Canaan. They defeat Jericho because they followed the Lord’s instructions. The way they won doesn’t make logical sense, but if it would, they might have become self-relaint and forgot about God. Later they were decieved into make a treaty with people God had told them to conquer. The reason? Joshua 9:14 “… but [they] did not inquire of the LORD.”

I wonder how often we make decisions and move forward without inquiring of the Lord? We simple “figure it out.” Yes, God has given us rational minds to solve problems and make decisions. However, we still need him to guide and direct us – in supernatural ways. Even today, we need to inquire of the Lord. Try it!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Why the evil?

A mother intensely grieves when her son is brutally tortured and murdered. A you teens discovers her older brother is shot because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. We might be apathetic to the news – until it happens to those we know and love. This is the world our daughter is facing as she works with kids in the inner city.

When I told a friend of mine about what is going on, he was greatly disturbed and wondered why as humans we were not progressing beyond such evil. Why would rational beings continue to engage in such horrific, evil behaviour.

I guess the answer lies in the pages of Scripture – the Bible. We are told that “we all like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way” and we all carry with us a sinful nature that left to its own devices is inclined to do evil.

The only true solution is found outside of ourselves. The solution is found in Jesus Christ who paid the price for our evil (sin) and desires to give us a new life. A new life where we receive a new nature. It is only when we receive that new nature and allow it to be in control of our lives, that we will begin to overcome our evil bent.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Monday, December 11, 2006


However, so that we do not offend them, go to the sea and throw in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for you and me.

- Matthew 17:27

As always, the tax man wants his “share,” and though He could argue an exemption, this sort of bickering would interfere with Jesus’s mission. He therefore tells Peter to go catch a fish, which will miraculously have a coin in its mouth. This coin is to be used to pay the tax for both Jesus and Peter.

So, what’s the miracle?

Does Jesus magically make this coin appear from nothing as Peter catches the fish? Or did He create the whole fish, placing it right onto Peter’s hook? I think it’s a lot simpler, yet infinitely more complicated, than snapping one’s fingers and making things materialize.

Read on!

Friday, December 08, 2006

A Christmas Revolution

Hey hey! My first article (hopefully the first of many) for the Truthmedia division of Campus Crusade for Christ has come online. Have a read at http://www.mentodayonline.com/christmas/revolution.html and let me know what you think. Better yet, let Truthmedia know what you think. It doesn't pay anything, but it's a good gig!

As a result of this article's being placed, I'm starting to see some names pop up at my site, www.smallisthegate.com. I'd be all warm in my heart if you'd come by and say hello.

True Character

True character is often revealed in the toughest of times. At times when many of us would become bitter, disillusioned, angry or lethargic, there are those who rise to the occasion and respond in strength, integrity and positive impact.

As I was reading Deut. 31 I found myself impressed with Moses. Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land which had been promised to the Israelites. His entire life had been dedicated to leading the Israelites out of slavery and into the promised land. However, due to his own actions he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. Now, at the end of Deut. Moses is commissioning Joshua to take his place. Moses finished well.

How an individual handles the conclusion of a significant work, ministry, or whatever it might be, is a certain test of character.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

When the food seems dry

In my personal journaling I have returned to where I left off in reading through the Bible. I like to read the Bible from cover to cover every once in a while. I started this when I was in Bible College and have read through the Bible 5 or 6 times since. I begin in Genesis and read 5 chapters a day. If I miss a day, or two or however many, I simply pick up where I left off. Sometimes I take a break to read other passages, but then return. Eventually I get through the Bible.

Anyway, I am in Deuteronomy right now. It is a review of the Law given to the people of Israel. There are many detail laws on how to deal with accusations of unfaithfulness in marriage, disputes between neighbours, etc. I confess that I find some of these laws somewhat less than inspiring. I read then none-the-less and celebrate the fact that we no longer need to live under the Law, but under the grace of God.

The Law demonstrated that none of us can keep the Law without failing. Therefore, we need God’s grace in our lives. Through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ we can experience forgiveness and freedom.