Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Follow the Leader

Leadership can be a fearful thing. Especially when people watch and follow. In the book "Times of Refreshing" Bill Rayborn writes,

Anyone involved in the church worship ministry is seen by people in the congregation as a leader. You may not want that to happen. You might dislike it when it occurs, but that won't change the fact that people see you as a leader. Whether you want to be or not, you are an example to someone. People will look at not only how you button your coat but also how you treat your spouse and children. They will take notice of how you drive and how you respond when you're tired or overworked. They will observe your actions when you're at a restaurant, at the mall, or in church. You will be an example for someone."

That is quite a challenge - and it not only applies to pastors, but to all leaders.

At first I respond and say "that's not fair." Then I read the Apostle Paul's writings and he invites people to follow him. To do as he does. As he follows Christ, so others should be able to follow him. Does that mean that we put on an act so people will "think" we are better than we really are? No. It means that as we genuinely life for Christ, people should be able to follow and be following Christ.

Your thoughts?

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