Tuesday, April 01, 2014

One Door

We used to sing the song "One door and only one, and yet its sides are two. I'm on the inside, on which side are you?" While the song may come across as judging and divisive, it comes from today's Bible reading for Lent. Luke 13 - particularly verses 22-30.

In this passage Jesus was asked if only a few people would be "saved." As was typical, Jesus answered with a story. In the story Jesus talks about a narrow gate. Many would seek the gate but would not find it. Once the owner closed the door, no one else would get in. By implication, relatively few would be saved.

I struggle with what Jesus was suggesting.  But, just because I struggle with it doesn't mean it isn't true. God is much beyond me. We want to tell God what he can or cannot do. But that really isn't our prerogative. 

My part - is to do what I need to do in light of what God tells me is reality.

Gotta help people find the door while it is still open!

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