Romans 14:12-13 So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.
It almost sounds from this passage that the Christian life is a life of solitude and independence – that there is no inter-accountability among believers. Taking a closer look, I see that the author is virtually repeating Jesus’ teaching on removing the rainforest cedar from our own eye before trying to peck a speck out of someone else’s eye.
I am so inclined to look at others and how they ought to shape up, change their life, get with the program and get in line (enough clichés?) while at the same time leave my own life unattended. It is easy to judge others. It is much harder to live that life myself.
Lord, help me to slip out of my judges frock and into some sackcloth. May I not be an obstacle to my “brothers” as they find their way. May I help rather than hinder. May I not pass judgment, but pass along encouragement. May I not be a rock of stumbling, but a stepping stone on their journey upwards. Thanks for putting us on this journey together.