Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Relationships will end

A quote I read today...

"The dearest human relatinohsips must some day come to an end;
it is only the joy of heaven which lasts for ever,
and if we have it in our hearts,
nothing can take it away."

Wow, that is a tough idea to grasp - at least we don't want it to be so. The reality is that unless Christ comes back during our lifetime, one day, we will all die. At that time relationships as we have known them come to an end. Of course, we still love that person who has "passed on" and we have many memories.

For me... that means... enjoy the relationships I have and treasure the people with whom I have a relationship.

Monday, March 09, 2009


I guess it is time to update what I am up to...

Yes, I am serving as associate pastor at Zion Church in Didsbury, Alberta, Canada. My primary responsibilities include overseeing the Worship and Life Group (small groups) Ministries. I also oversee the Newcomers ministry and the Adult Sunday School.

In a way, it is refreshing to be able to spend time with the worship ministry because I get to be involved in music - which I love to do. I lead a worship team, but am training someone else to take the leadership and I am moving more towards playing guitar and singing backup. It gives me a chance to work on my guitar skills. I also play guitar on another team where I get to dabble with playing lead guitar.

Recently, our worship team performed the Imperials song "Water Grave" at our church on the Sunday when we had a baptism. Watch the video here: