We have been taught to be self-reliant. We practiacally think we know it all. If we cannot reason something to conclusion it must be faulty. Our mind and ability to reason has essentially become our God – the standard against which we measure and determine truth. The problem is that our minds are limited. Our knowledge, is still limited. There is more to this world than what our rational, scientific minds can perceive and understand.
God is the one who created and sustains this world. He is the one who designed and created us. God still has the power to step in and affect this world beyond the natural laws of cause and effect which he has installed in this world.’
Does it not make sense therefore, to check with him on occasion?
In Joshua chpaters 6-10 we find the Israelites as they are moving in to conquer the land of Canaan. They defeat Jericho because they followed the Lord’s instructions. The way they won doesn’t make logical sense, but if it would, they might have become self-relaint and forgot about God. Later they were decieved into make a treaty with people God had told them to conquer. The reason? Joshua 9:14 “… but [they] did not inquire of the LORD.”
I wonder how often we make decisions and move forward without inquiring of the Lord? We simple “figure it out.” Yes, God has given us rational minds to solve problems and make decisions. However, we still need him to guide and direct us – in supernatural ways. Even today, we need to inquire of the Lord. Try it!
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