Sunday, September 04, 2011


Life is about to change for Debbie and me once again. Beginning October 1, 2011 I will begin serving as "Intentional Transitional Pastor" at Bethel EM Church in Three Hills Alberta.

After serving as senior/lead pastor for several decades, we came to Didsbury three years ago where I would serve as associate pastor. When we came I was asked how I would adjust to the role of associate pastor after serving as senior pastor for so long. I said I didn't know, and we would have to see. I was given the responsiblities to oversee the worship, small group, newcomers and adult education ministries. I looked forward to the opportunity to try somethings I had always wanted, but had never had the time.

After one year of serving in this role, I did not feel settled in what I was doing. I told myself that I needed more time to adjust. After two years I knew that this role was not for me. Too much of me was pressing me to be involved in the strategic leadership of the church. I missed preaching on a consistent basis and managing ministry programing was not "getting me up in the morning." I began to pray regularly - weekly if not daily - that the Lord would show me me where he was directing me. Silence. I continued to pray and journal about my interaction with the Lord, and about his apparent silence on the matter.

Finally in the Spring of 2011 I could no longer remain silent. I talked to a few key people about my inner need to make a change. Still, the Lord was not opening any doors. In time I talked to our senior pastor about what I was going through. Fortunately he was completely supportive in my quest to find God's place for us.

Part of our dilemna was that we felt we would like to stay living in Didsbury for at least another year - for various reasons. How could we make a change and remain living here. Then the thought crossed my mind, "what if there was a church within driving distance of Didsbury that needed an interm pastor?" Then we could remain living here and I could use the gifts and passions that God has given me. I talked to our Regional Ministers about this, but there seemed to be no church in the area that needed an interm pastor.

Then the Lord began to reveal His amazing planning. The senior pastor at Bethel EM Church in Three HIlls resigned. The church decided they wanted someone to come in for about a year to be their Intentional Transitional Pastor (ITP). We began to dialogue and in the course of time the decision was made for us to leave Zion EM Church in Didsbury to become the ITP at Bethel Church in Three Hills.

On October 1st, I will officially begin ministry in Three Hills. We will continue to live in Didsbury where Debbie will keep her job at Front Porch Realty and our daughter Liesel will live with us as she completes her studies at Rocky Mountain College in Calgary. Of course we will miss the regular fellowship at Zion Church - and particularly the worship team I have been leading - our Life Group - and the staff at the church. But I am excited about the work that lies ahead and the opportunity to make a real difference in God's church.